The Portico Academy Trust was established in April 2016 and presently consists of West Leigh Junior School, Porters Grange Primary School and Nursery, Friars Primary School and Nursery, Hamstel Junior School and Hamstel Infant School and Nursery.
The Trust was formed to support and challenge, within a context of partnership, high expectations and professional integrity, schools with primary pupils. Within a core of commonly held beliefs, we hold that each school in the Trust will retain its individual identity and character.
Portico Academy Trust aims to be at the heart of the local communities it serves. We aim to deliver to local families an excellent education and create new opportunities for our pupils.
As primary specialists, Portico Academy Trust firmly believes that all our children, no matter their background, deserve the very best education, every day, every lesson, whatever the context. Through close professional collaboration and sharing best practice, initiatives and expertise, we want every child to experience a breadth of opportunity across the diverse cultural background of our country.
We will develop strong leaders and make our schools supportive communities for staff and parents, where mutual respect is paramount. We are passionate in protecting our environment and encourage positive views and actions in the wider world.
We believe it is vital that each child acquires the essential key skills they will need to secure the fundamental building blocks of learning. In creating an exciting curriculum, expertly delivered, our children will leave us well prepared for their future lives with a love of learning and with an enthusiastic, independent, inquisitive and risk taking mind-set.
We want the best learning experience for every child, every day.
We recognise that learning is the key to every child’s future.
We meet challenges head on and find creative solutions.
We treat all members of our school community and our environment with respect.
To create a family of outstanding schools with clear purpose, direction and objectives
To provide environments where teaching and learning is paramount and children enjoy and are engaged in a rich and relevant curriculum tailored to their individual needs
To narrow gaps in attainment with the intention of reducing inequalities
To ensure empowerment of all pupils to achieve their full potential
To create and foster a culture of high aspiration amongst all pupils, regardless of their social, economic or cultural background
To strive for excellence in teaching and learning
To ensure strong engagement in learning that fosters a lifelong learning ethos
To promote excellent progress for all learners.
To promote outstanding leadership and governance.
To establish a financial foundation to enable the Trust to fulfil its vision
To provide continual professional development and promote a well-resourced, high quality environment
To become the employer of choice
For each academy to be recognised as a centre of learning excellence, disseminating best practice within and beyond the Trust
To engage proactively with parents and the community in partnership to support pupil progress, wellbeing and achievement
Members of Portico Academy Trust
Francis Gretton
Bob Hellen
Graham Lane
Steven Levy
Heather Oram
Trustees of Portico Academy Trust
Karen Packer - Chair of Trustee
Kate Baynes
Michelle Butler
Matthew Driscol
Sandra Evans
Sue Hay
Graham Lane
Alan Murkin
Ros Sanders
Claire Smith
Toby Stubbington
Cheryl Woolf
Staff of Portico Academy Trust
Cheryl Woolf
Richard Queenborough
Director of Learning & Teaching
Jo Jarvis
Director of Finance
Madelaine Salmon
Finance Manager
Rebecca Sanderson
Director of HR
Claire Colby
HR Assistant
Carly Hay
Media & Communications Manager
Ryan Halls
Director of Estates
Jason Moles
Assistant Facilities Manager
Iain Nash
IT Manager
Gary Telling
Portico Inclusion Manager
Beverley Johnstone
Portico Inclusion Manager
Our Trust is governed directly by our Trustee Board and holds our principals and headteachers to account.
Legal & Financial documents
Legal, Financial and Supplementary funding documents can be found below.
If you require a document you are unable to locate, please get in touch using the contact us page.